102 Essays that will change the way you think


If you have not fully ditched mainstream social media, you might have come across a certain popular self-help book with black-on-white serif font cover. I could elaborate why I really did not like the book (and maybe I will at a later point), but I could also do something proactive and just collect essays, articles and blog posts that changed the way I think or that I refer to just a little bit too much. This is the ongoing place to collect things because I really like a good list.
Last updated: 2025-01-25. 8/102 texts collected.

About the Internet

We need to rewild the internet

by Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon, via Noema

Have you ever thought about how our dying forests are very much a result of similar historical events that lead to damage to our fragile, monocultured internet?

"Rewilding the internet is more than a metaphor. It’s a framework and plan. It gives us fresh eyes for the wicked problem of extraction and control, and new means and allies to fix it."

My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge. What could yours be?

by Laurel Schwulst, for The Creative Independant and Are.na

In this essay, the author explores the question what a website can be post-social media. To Schwulst, a website can anything, from a garden that slowly grows to a shelf to display to a puddle that appears and dries up after a while. It's a really nice read and it reiterates the value of having a website for yourself, as part of a bigger, healthier web. (There are birds here, too.)

"Instead of a cloud, let's use a metaphor that makes the web's individual, cooperative nodes more visible. This way, we can remember the responsibility we each have in building a better web. The web is a flock of birds or a sea of punctuation marks, each tending or forgetting about their web garden or puddle home with a river of knowledge nearby."

Why every Site needs a Links Page

By Melonking

This essay made me have a link page (and influenced this list, too)

"Linking to other sites is an act of rebellion; but its also an act of meditation, and of ego death - linking to the work of others is a way of celebrating their achievements and by doing so, gaining dignity for yourself and your work. You deserve to be part of the web, not its final destination; and there is respect in knowing that. Its a two way street, a conversation, and a collaboration."

Social Quitting

by Corey Doctorow via Locusmagazine

(If I ever ranted to you about Enshittification, this is the link I wanted to send you and forgot)

"One day, they were sparsely populated fringe services, the next day, everyone you knew was using them and you had to sign up to stay in touch. Then, just as quickly, they imploded, turning into ghost towns, then punchlines, then forgotten ruins."

Everyone is beautiful and noone is horny

by Raquel S. Benedict for Blood Knife

Found a mention of this one in a comment section of a video I did no even watch and proceeded to read myself through their catalogue. The article actually focuses on how films present bodies (and houses) as these perfected, optimised spaces that are emptied of joy by the need for "perfection" and "investments" (and isolation, too)

"A body is no longer a holistic system. It is not the vehicle through which we experience joy and pleasure during our brief time in the land of the living. It is not a home to live in and be happy. It, too, is a collection of features: six pack, thigh gap, cum gutters. And these features exist not to make our lives more comfortable, but to increase the value of our assets. Our bodies are investments, which must always be optimized to bring us… what, exactly? Some vague sense of better living? Is a life without bread objectively better than a life with it? When we were children, did we dream of counting every calorie and logging every step?"

About Life

'I'm Broke and Mostly Friendless, and I've Wasted My Whole Life'

by Heather Havrilesky

This post targets topics like shame, regret and how to deal with them in a good manner. If you read nothing else from this list, I'm begging you to read this.

"Shame creates imaginary worlds inside your head. This haunted house you're creating is forged from your shame. No one else can see it, so you keep trying to describe it to them. You find ways to say, “You don't want any part of this mess. I'm mediocre, aging rapidly, and poor. Do yourself a favor and leave me behind.” You want to be left behind, though. That way, no one bears witness to what you've become."

All the Tenderness of Attention

by Sharon Neema for Are.na

Ruminating on the etymological roots that connect tenderness and attention.

"To love is to offer attention and tenderness in outstretched hand."

The short instructional manifesto for relationship anarchy

by Andy Nordgren

Another Link I'm always sending to people. I stumbled upon this because I've read the word somewhere and been obsessed with it ever since - it found me in the right moment, when I was struggeling pretty badly with norms and expectations of relationships, gender and sexuality.

"Relationship anarchy is not about never committing to anything - it's about designing your own commitments with the people around you, and freeing them from norms dictating that certain types of commitments are a requirement for love to be real, or that some commitments like raising children or moving in together have to be driven by certain kinds of feelings. Start from scratch and be explicit about what kind of commitments you want to make with other people!""